Saturday, February 22, 2014


I was looking for something a little easier to read so that I could read and watch the Olympics at the same time, and I came across Holes.  I had read it a few years ago and loved it, and seen the movie and enjoyed that as well.  I reread it the other day and it was just as good.  It wasn't as exciting since I knew what was coming, but as a first grader told me a few years ago, "A good book is like an old friend," (which to her meant you could read it over and over and still find enjoyment.

I had to put it in here, since I finished it.  Fantastic read, especially for upper elementary/middle school readers.

I also have begun reading The Kite Runner.  So far I am enjoying that too.  It's reminding me a little bit of Life of Pi, probably because it's about a boy who is growing up somewhere else in the world.  I thought that since it takes place in a place and culture with which I am not too familiar that it would be hard to access, but so far it is very easy to understand, and the words that the author writes from other languages he explains almost immediately.  So far I'm about 15% done, which equates to chapter 6 and page 51 of 391.  I'm anxious to keep reading, but I have so many other things to do this weekend that I'm not sure I will get to much more of it.  Oh well.  It will get done eventually.

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