Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Excuse the pun. :)
I just finished reading Wonder by R.J. Palacio.  I guess I was a little behind the times, as this book was super popular last year, but I thought it seemed like a good one.  Last year while subbing I read different parts of it at different times (SPOILER ALERT: I read the part where their dog dies at least three times) but had never gotten through it cover to cover.  It was great!  Definitely something that made me think a little bit, although it is definitely meant for a younger audience.  I would definitely use it with kids for a little perspective taking, especially with the middle school age that can be so cruel.  I loved how it switched between different points of view, and made you see plainly why people do what they do.  It forces the reader to examine what different characters are feeling, the motivations behind their actions, and the truth behind their actions.  I remember being really surprised (and a little angry!) that Jack had such mean things to say about Auggie on Halloween.  However, from Jack's side, while it doesn't make it any better, we find out that he didn't really mean what he said and was only trying to get Julian off his back.  I think this gets readers to really think about each character independently, and it also allows them to examine themselves.  I imagine that is a difficult task to accomplish as a writer, especially for a writer of a book geared toward middle schoolers, but I think Palacio pulled it off expertly!  (And I know by the way the kids I was reading to listened to and talked about the book.)

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