Saturday, November 16, 2013

TKAM: Check!

I finally finished To Kill A Mockingbird.  [does celebratory dance]

I started reading the book this summer after chasing around and trying to decide which version to buy.  I had a terrible time deciding, because I wanted a paperback with the tree on the front, but without the ragged pages.  Every paperback with the tree had the ragged pages, and so did the hardcover.  Eventually, after much turmoil about needing to have the "right" cover, I gave up and got the cheapest version with no ragged pages and a different cover.  I ended up liking the cover I got very much, especially because there is a tree on the cover that continues to the spine and back.  On the spine is the knot in the tree with a dolls and a watch and coins in it, and there are silhouettes of Scout and Jem and a bird and the title is written out on the branches of the tree.  While it is not original, I enjoy it quite a bit.  Here is a picture of the front and back cover and spine.

I had to read this book in ninth grade in little chunks and answer comprehension questions.  At the end we had to take a test on the plot of the story.  I liked the book OK while answering questions, but it was too disjointed for me to pay attention to what was actually going on.  So, I reread the book in preparation for the test and liked it SOOO much better. 

This summer I got a "craving" to read it, and so I started it.  I continued reading throughout the summer and even took it with me on a mini road trip vacation.  I was about 2/3 done when I got a full time job and put it on hold for a while, only to pick it back up a week ago and finish.  It was even better than last time.

Then I caught the reading bug again.  I have a list of movies I'd like to see when they come out on DVD, one of which was "The Perks of Being a Wallflower."  However, I decided I needed to read the book before I saw the movie, so I read it in a couple of days and literally just finished.  It was interesting because it mentioned To Kill A Mockingbird in the very beginning, and really reminded me of The Catcher in the Rye, which is another book the main character, Charlie, reads.  I enjoyed the book in the first half, and then it started getting kind of gloomy.  It wasn't my favorite ever, but it was definitely a quick read.  As a bonus, I can watch the movie now.

As always, my goal is to finish LOTR next, but as we all know, I will inevitably become sidetracked by something else that takes 3 months and I say I will finish it later.  I'm hopeful, though.  Happy Thanksgiving!

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