Monday, December 30, 2013

Obligatory New Years Post

Well, my numbers this year were disappointing at best.  I read a grand total of 4 books....2 of which were not even on the list, and 1 that I had read already.  All in all, I crossed Cloud Atlas off my list this year.

Maybe 2014 will be the year I finish Lord of the Rings.

Even with my dismal end of the year outcome, today has been an exciting day for reading, and I joined the modern world (of 2010 or so) and bought a kindle.  I've had it for less than half a day, but I am really enjoying it so far.  I figured out that many of the books I need to read are free as they are out of copyright, and many of the rest I can borrow from the library online somehow.  Today I borrowed and downloaded The Golden Compass so that I could start the His Dark Materials series.  I have read that book before, but it was during high school and I was not such a fan.  (However, I felt obligated to read it, as it was a birthday present from a friend).  The only thing I remember about it was that it took place somewhere with snow and was kind of mysterious and there was a girl with a funky name who had a shapeshifter pet with her at all times.

So, now I'm about 15% through the book (my kindle now conveniently calculates my percentage) and enjoying it much more than the first time.  Hopefully it will be a quick read for me.  Apparently the whole book will take me less than 6 hours.....not sure how the kindle knows that but so far it's pretty accurate, so we'll see.

Back to reading!

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