Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jane Eyre: 29%

Honestly, I'm a little disappointed by this book so far.

All the things I've heard about Jane Eyre, the number of people who actually like it because they have read it and not just seen the movie (did somebody say Pride and Prejudice?) I really expected to like this book by now.

To be fair, it's not an extremely difficult read, and I have read up to this point before. (The book was assigned to me in high school and I read about this far before getting too busy to continue). I remember liking the book when I read it before. However, I would have expected some sort of plot to develop by now.

Normally, I am the kind of reader and movie-watcher who loves a whole lot of nothing. For example, my favorite movie of all time is It's A Wonderful Life. Now, many people have seen this movie and probably if you haven't see the whole thing, you've seen the end. For me the real end is the last 10 minutes, but the end portion, the part with Clarence the angel, lasts about 40 minutes or so. In this part, Clarence shows George what the world would be like without him. This really is the only part of the movie with a plot. The rest of the movie (the 1+ hours) chronicles George's life from a young boy to a middle aged married man, including his marriage and his career. However, watching that part of the movie is like watching someone's life pass before your eyes. Don't get me wrong, I love the whole thing because you really need the beginning to appreciate the end. In general, movies like this are really the kind that I like. Others include Big Fish and Forrest Gump.

The beginning section of this book is reminding me of the beginning of It's A Wonderful Life, except that I am not sure what the point of the beginning is. There were many chapters documenting Jane's years at Lowood that were not all that influential as of yet. I'm hoping things pick up since I know that this story eventually becomes a love story between Jane and Rochester, but seeing as how Jane just met Rochester that obviously hasn't happened yet. I'll keep going though and see how things turn out in the next few chapters.

And hopefully I can finish today or tomorrow and bring my 2010 total up to 10!

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