Sunday, December 26, 2010


December 26: 5 days until the new year, with hopefully another book to squeeze in before the year comes to a close.

A couple days before Christmas I started Jane Eyre. I'm currently on chapter 5, which is really not too far, but if I play my cards right I will have lots and lots of reading time this week. It's good so far. I read about a third of it when assigned in high school and I remember liking it, but just not having time for it. Hopefully I'll have time for it this time around seeing as it's pretty much a staple in literature.

For Christmas I got several books on my list:

...and one that wasn't (because I have heard good things about it and need to read it to keep up with today, haha)

So, basically I have my work cut out for me! I've got these 5 books, plus the 7 others that I ordered previously (AND Oliver Twist that needs to be finished so I can check it off already!) which is approximately how many books I've finished this year. I'm doing my best but I have a feeling this spring will be a little sparse, seeing as I am taking more classes than I usually do, but I'm hoping it will be ok. I'll just have to pick an interesting short one to read during that time, or one with shorter sections (Sherlock Holmes maybe?). I'll be back with a post of whichever book I choose to finish before new years and a cumulative update of which books I've read so far this year and prior to this year. See you around New Years!

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